Nosey Neigbors

My husband and I lived in our small town for two years but we were always ready to move out to the country. We are both outdoor people and didn’t like the busy streets or houses so close you could open your  window and touch the neighbor’s house. 

This past June we bought a small farm with a house and move to the country close to our cattle farms.Unfortunately   we still have the nosey nieghbors.

Everytime we spend time outside their beady eyes peer over the fence watching our every move. There they are with their wild untamed jet black hair each morning as I leave for school and each evening as I return. I have to be thankful they are at least fairly quiet. They hardly make a sound as they stand their watching. Weirdly they eat all the time. I hardly see them not munching on something. 

You can pick your home but I have to remember we can’t always pick our nieghbors! 

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